Friday, March 18, 2011

March through Colossians - 3:5-8

Even though we have died with Christ and have been raised with Christ (3:1-4), sin is still present in us because we are not yet in glory (3:4). Every part of us is still stained by sin: thoughts, words, actions, choices, feelings, responses, desires, daydreamings. So how does God intend for us to address this?

Put sin to death. Put it all away. When sin rears its ugly head again, slay it. Slay it through prayer. Slay it through remembering God’s Word, especially what is true of you in Christ (notice Paul’s logic: you have died…now put to death). Slay it by choosing to live in that moment for God and not for yourself. Slay it because you have died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.

3:9-11 tomorrow.

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