Wednesday, May 27, 2009

God is better than hamburgers

Tonight we had somewhat of a breakthrough in our family worship time. We typically do this after dinner, though it is sometimes hard to maintain in the midst of a busy week. When we do gather for this time, it usually looks more like Owen and Daddy worship rather than Whole-Family worship, since Kristen is on Baxter and Baxter is everywhere. But tonight, Baxter had a breakthrough experience of content, joyous, and relatively focused participation in family worship. (By the way, our family worship time isn't anything spectacular, just a brief prayer, a hymn that Daddy picks, a reading and explanation of probably 1-2 verses of Scripture, a question or 2 from the kids' catechism, a song that Owen picks, and a closing prayer...maybe 5-10 minutes total.)

The point at which Baxter was most fully engaged was when Kristen and I were asking our 2 boys a series of questions flowing out of the first part of Psalm 119:12: "Blessed are you, O LORD; teach me your statutes!" We would say, "Boys, which is better: hamburgers, or God?", to which they would respond "GOD!!!" (Baxter: "GAAAHHH!!!" with right hand raised high pointing to the ceiling [we will eventually straighten out his current view that the presence of Almighty God is centralized in our family room ceiling]).

But as is often the case, what I was saying to our boys actually helped and humbled me a great deal. Which do I think or feel or act-as-if is better: God, or hamburgers...God, or Dairy Queen...God, or Alias (yes, we are watching old seasons...thank you Netflix)...God, or (fill in the blank)? I need to believe the Scriptures that "Your steadfast love is better than life" (Psalm 63:3), and "in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore" (Psalm 16:11), and "to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). Any joyful experience of hamburgers or any other created thing must be a joyful experience of God as the one who gives those good gifts, and whose goodness is displayed continually to us through them. God is better than hamburgers.


  1. So sweet. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hmmm...I wonder if their answers would've changed if they had tried the hamburgers at our memorial day cookout. :) jk - that's awesome to hear.

  3. Thanks, Matt!

    Not only is God better than hamburgers, He is better than the giant turtle that Mom and I saw with Ashley & Madison at a park near their house today. I am taking such pleasure from seeing the creatures that Jesus, as our amazing creator, has made for us to enjoy. Especially our wonderful children, their spouses, and our grandchildren!!! We are looking forward to spending the day with you at the zoo.

    Love, Dad
